Most "free" software that you find when searching ZDNet or another similar site is actually a free trial. The writers want money, but in many cases they can't force you to pay anything. If you do use the software a lot, then you may feel better paying whatever small amount they may be asking. On the big corporate side, many makers will have the software fail after a period of time or have you sign an agreement. So try to follow the rules you agree to. |
Free Software Some people don't realize that there is free software out there for almost every software need. For example, you don't need to pay to protect your computer with a firewall. All you need is ZoneAlarm from Zone Labs or another personal firewall. Also, for those few things you might need that don't come free, like antivirus software, don't go to BestBuy and pay retail. You can get the same software OEM from an online retailer. Just visit PriceWatch or iBuyernet (in fav. links). Retailers compete to get the lowest prices and your business. For the hard to find stuff, there's always eBay and Half.com. |
look for the free downloads! mmkay, I'm still working on this page!! |